Who are Punxsutawney Phil, Staten Island Chuck, and Wiaron Willie? These famous groundhogs have gotten their time in the spotlight, or in the shadows, to predict the coming of spring. February 2, midway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, marks the one work day for this beloved rodent. Unfortunately, most predictions are only […]
Hello, Sheboygan!
New Year, New Location! We are opening a FOURTH location in Sheboygan to better serve our customers! We are excited to become a part of a thriving community that values hard work. Our company has humble roots that began with our founder, Michael Cornish in 1999. Since 2013, we have been recognized as Milwaukee’s #1 […]
Let Us Help With Your New Year Resolutions
Let the E-Z Window Cleaning team help you with your New Year resolutions in 2023! While we might not be able to help you get to the gym or read more literature, we can help you handle those cleaning tasks you’ve been meaning to get to. The new year is a great time to refresh […]
May Your Christmas be Merry and Bright
All of us at E-Z Window Cleaning want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays! We hope that you all have an opportunity to spend time with those close to you. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle that surrounds the holidays, and risk forgetting about what is […]
December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month
This holiday season, give your family and friends the best gift – a safe arrival! Each December, the White House recognizes National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month. Beginning in 1981, this month was selected to recognize the risks of drunk and drugged driving. Unfortunately, the highest incidence of fatal car accidents occur in the […]
We’re Thankful for You!
This Thanksgiving, as we all take time to reflect on our blessings, we also want to thank you! All of us at E-Z Window Cleaning are thankful for each of you – our wonderful customers. We appreciate your referrals and your reviews. Both have been instrumental in helping us grow – from the small residential […]
No Tricks – Treat Yourself with E-Z Window Cleaning Services!
This Halloween, treat yourself and let E-Z Window handle your fall cleanup tasks so you can focus on the trick-or-treaters! We offer a wide variety of services to get even the most ghastly of houses looking great. Whether you have frightening gutters, cobweb-covered mirrors and light fixtures, scary siding, or creepy concrete, we’ve got it handled. […]
Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere!
You can tell it’s fall when those orange little orbs start to appear. One minute it’s summer, the next – pumpkins everywhere! Now, in mid-October, we are in the thick of it. Pumpkins pop up on porches, on the reception desk at the office, and outside your local shops. The jack-o-lanterns and the cute decorations […]
Little Known Facts About Columbus Day
Since 1937, the second Monday of each October is recognized as Columbus Day. When you ask people about Columbus Day, they might say it recognizes the day Columbus discovered America. They might recite: “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue”. Some even think he landed in what is now the United States! What many people […]
IWCA Annual Convention & Trade Show
This week, we find ourselves in Orlando, Florida, participating in the 2022 International Window Cleaning Association Annual Convention & Trade Show, which goes until Friday, February 11th. IWCA holds an annual convention and trade show for professionals working in all areas of the window cleaning industry, from high-rise and residential window cleaners to those who […]