Today, Sunday, August 4, is #AmericanFamilyDay, the perfect occasion to enjoy the waning summer rays with our loved ones. Pile your family in your car and enjoy the beach, one last summer hike, or go out for some ice cream.
Created as a day encouraging families to spend time with one another, this day was specifically proclaimed to avoid gifts and to focus on family relationships.
American Family Day, similar to Mothers Day or Father’s Day is an un-paid holiday created as a separate day to recognize family members by spending time with them. Families are discouraged from purchasing presents or other material items.
According to Stanford Children’s Health, here are some ways to spend time with your children, as parents we are not to feel guilty about the amount of “quality time” you spend with your family. Some experts are beginning to shy away from the quality time movement for something much more fundamental.
All children want is our undivided attention. When they talk, look at them, engage them in further conversation, and genuinely show your interest.
- Take a few minutes to listen to their music. You might find yourself liking it.
- Ask them what they want to do. Put your child in the driver’s seat. Is baseball their love? Play catch in your yard, or pitch a few at a local batting cage. It doesn’t have to be baseball. Make a date for mini-golf.
- Create new family traditions. Set a specific time each week for them, such as Friday movie and pizza nights or Saturday walks in the neighborhood.
- Picture and develop your family as a team. Give everyone chores and do those chores together.
- Make one-on-one time with each child. Kids talk more openly when they’re with just one parent.
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