It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is in full swing, but there are some who still struggle to make ends meet. GivingTuesday is the perfect time to give back and remember that others may not be as fortunate as you. Let’s help each other out during these difficult times by giving generously. It doesn’t take much to make another person happy, and it will be worth your while in more ways than one – you’ll feel good about yourself too.
History of GivingTuesday
GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: encouraging people to do good on one day. GivingTuesdays is now an annual global nonprofit movement with hundreds of millions of volunteers who give back each year through volunteering, donating money or time for charitable causes like sending clean water abroad.
Every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to give.
Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor out, or showing up for an issue or people we care about, we each have something to contribute. Identify your gifts, pick a cause that gets you fired up, and give back. Each seemingly small act turns a ripple into a wave of good, transforming society and building the world we all want to live in.
Give Nourishment
- Create a Little Free Pantry in your community.
- Organize a Community Fridge.
- Sign up to volunteer at your local food pantry.
Give Blood
There’s no substitute for human blood. The decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several!
Donate to a Nonprofit or Community Organization
Donate to a nonprofit that’s doing work that aligns with your values. Don’t forget that small community-led organizations need your support too!
Pay It Forward
- Pay for the next person’s order at the coffee shop or drive-thru.
- Leave a gift card or cash at the gas pump.
- Tuck a grocery store gift card & a note in a shopping basket.
- Leave a great online review for a business you love.
Distribute Essentials to People Experiencing Homelessness
- Start with non-perishible snacks and bottled water.
- Add bandages, lip balm, and travel-sized sunscreen.
- Include socks, menstrual supplies and hand sanitizer or wipes.
- Don’t forget gloves and hand warmers for cold weather!
- List of What to Pack
Give Voice
- Post about your favorite cause on social media.
- Contact your elected officials in support of fair policies and funding for social services.
- Text 10 friends and family members to tell them about GivingTuesday!
- Sample Messages
Lead a GivingTuesday Community
Unleash generosity in your country, city, or community by organizing a GivingTuesday movement of your own. Learn How >
Adopt a Family
- articipate in a local Adopt a Family program.
- Organize a Giving Tree for your community: Pair those that want to give, with those that are in need of food or gifts for the holiday season.
Give Kindness
Sometimes a kind word is all you need to start a chain of generosity that lasts throughout the day. Go beyond a “like” and make a point to offer positive feedback, compliments, and gratitude to as many people as you can today.
50 Acts of Kindness for the Young and Young at Heart
Help Your Neighbors
- Help with yard work or other chores for those who are ill, elderly, or immunocompromised.
- Organize a rent relief program or pay someone’s over due gas bill.
- Surprise a new mom with a lasagna or help with caregiving for an hour.
Give Time
Giving time helps you connect with like-minded people, provides immediate impact and even has a postive effect on our mental health and emotional well-being.
You can even volunteer virtually in many cases right from your couch!
How to Volunteer on GivingTuesday
Give Skills
Use your talents for good!
- Teach a dance or yoga class.
- Use your marketing skills to help a nonprofit.
- Teach your friends how to knit, then give away hats or scarves to people in need.
- Pledge an Hour of Your Skills
Help Animals
- Donate to shelters and rescues.
- Consider adopting or fostering.
- Organize a pet grooming event for people experiencing homelessness.
- Drop off a can of tennis balls at your local shelter; instant joy.
Give Back to Our Earth
- Join Tuesdays4Trash and clean up a corner of your world on GivingTuesday.
- Organize a beach clean up.
- Commit to using less waste and share with others how you’re going to do it.
- Plant a tree on GivingTuesday.
Give Thanks
- Write a letter to someone who’s helped you.
- Send a thank you note to a teacher, healthcare working, or a mentor.
- Leave a basket of goodies for delivery and postal workers.
These are just some of the many ways to give back and do something kind for someone on #GivingTuesday.