The second Sunday of each September is Grandparents’ Day! We recognize the important role our grandparents play in our lives. In fact, grandparents are so important and special, we typically refer to them by more personalized titles or nicknames than grandfather or grandmother. These might depend on the family’s language (like “Abuelo” and “Abuela”, or “Opa” and “Oma”), or the grandchild(ren)’s or grandparent(s)’s preference. Some grandfathers are definitely “Grandpa”s, and others may be more the “Grandpappy” type. While one grandmother might prefer “MeeMaw” or “Granny”, another might feel more comfortable with “Nana” or “Grammy”.
No matter what we call them, grandparents are very important people! They are there to listen, teach, and love. Grandparents are frequently there for their own children to help with last-minute babysitting needs, soccer practice pickups, and general imparting of wisdom. (Little known fact, before Google, grandparents were the ones who helped answer the questions like, “Is it normal if my child…?”)
Take time to thank your grandparents for all of their help and love by showing them some in return. Invite them over for dinner, go on a walk, or simply spend time with them. Happy Grandparents’ Day!