In September, we recognized National Patriotic Day (September 11) honoring those whom we lost on September 11. The nearly 3000 lives will forever hold a cherished place in our hearts and in the history of our nation. Other observances that honor lost lives this month include Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day (Last Sunday in September), a day to recognize and honor those mothers and families who have lost a son or daughter in the service of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Holidays that recognize our veterans remind us of Operation FINALLY HOME in Wisconsin. Operation FINALLY HOME is a national nonprofit that provides mortgage-free homes to service members and their families who have become wounded, ill or injured as a result of their service in defense of our country.
Given the nature of our current military campaigns, today’s severely injured veterans are experiencing severe burns or the loss of limbs as well as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). With this in mind, it is crucial we support our veterans when they return home.
Operation Finally Home recently helped The Frewerd Family in Menomonee Falls. Army Specialist Jesse Frewerd is the seventh Operation Finally Home in Wisconsin Recipient.
OFH, along with several local supporters of the Operation Finally Home in Wisconsin, was thrilled to provide Army Specialist Jesse Frewerd and his family with a custom-built, mortgage-free home in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.
Are you a veteran who would like to be a home recipient of Operation Finally Home? If so, you can apply here or contact Operation Finally Home today.
If you are interested in helping Operation Finally Home build more homes and provide more home modifications for our heroes, you can make a one-time or recurring gift today.