On Veterans Day, we honor our country’s servicemen and women – living or deceased – regardless of whether they have served during war or peace-time.
These men and women made the choice to put themselves in harm’s way to protect the nation and defend our freedoms. They put family life and other passions on hold to serve the country and her citizens. Many return home with visible and invisible scars received on the battlefield.
Unfortunately, there are many veterans who return home and find themselves in need of support and assistance. Veterans Day is the perfect time to get involved with some of the amazing organizations that help these servicemen and women.
E-Z Window Cleaning is proud to support the local group Operation Finally Home in Wisconsin. It is the local branch of Operation Finally Home – an organization dedicated to building custom-built, mortgage-free homes for veterans and widows of fallen servicemen.
The Wounded Warrior Project provides support to those who are wounded in action. They help injured vets get connected with a support network, provide mental and physical wellness resources, offer career and VA benefits and counseling, and help them become personally independent.
Locally, the Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative helps local veterans and their families obtain benefits, housing, food, and other necessities. They are celebrating 10 years of service, and have helped more than 3,000 veterans in that time.
This Veterans Day, take a moment to give back and say thank you to those who have served. Our gratitude may never feel sufficient for their sacrifice, but it is extremely appreciated and well deserved.