Mark Twain once said, “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” But it’s sometimes hard to turn on the news or read an article on the internet and see a positive story about someone who has made a difference in our world. Clogged traffic on the way to work or rudeness experienced while running errands can certainly damper one’s day. That’s why in 1995 a nonprofit organization in Colorado began the Random Act of Kindness Day.
A random act may be a smile to a stranger, a note of gratitude, an extra cup of coffee for a coworker, letting someone in front of you in line at the grocery store, a donation to a charity, a plate of cookies for a new neighbor, a phone call to an old friend…the list is as endless as your imagination, but the results are tangible. What if, like the movie Pay It Forward (2000), all people consciously committed a kind act on February 17th?
Become a RAKtivist. Join this national observance day. Make a difference TO the world.