This Father’s Day, let’s recognize dads of all sorts! Of course there are the dads who gave us their smarts and their looks, and also the dads who opened their homes and hearts to us as step- or adoptive parents. However, this Sunday, we also thank the other important men in our lives who also show us unconditional parental love and support even though we may not call them “dad”.
They are the uncles, grandpas, godfathers, and close family friends who have always been there for us. They were there at our third-grade piano recitals, little league games, and graduation ceremonies, and have helped us fix our cars more times than we can count. Regardless of who they are, how they are (or are not) related to you, be sure to take time this Father’s Day to let them know how special they are to you.
Need a gift idea? E-Z Window Cleaning Gift Cards make great Father’s Day gifts for the dad who already has everything. Our professional staff can handle those tasks he dreads like gutter or exterior cleaning. Stop in and purchase a gift card or schedule an appointment today!