National School Bus Safety Week is recognized during the third full week of October. An ongoing public education program is a way for parents, students, teachers, motorists, school bus operators, and school administrators to band together and communicate the importance of school bus safety. Designed to promote school bus safety, school districts throughout the country observe School Bus Safety Week, October 21-25, 2024.
Nearly every day, millions of children across the United States line up to ride the bus to school. The school bus is one of the safest modes of transportation, but illegal school bus passing poses a significant threat to children and their caretakers.
During National School Bus Safety Week help NHTSA share the message about the dangers of illegal school bus passing.
Tips for a Safe Ride
School buses are the safest way for students to travel, and almost two-thirds of school bus-related fatalities of school-age children occur outside of the school bus. Children need to do their part to stay safe both in and around school buses. The American School Bus Council offers the following tips for students entering or exiting or being around a school bus:
At the Bus Stop
- At bus stops, students should wait at a safe place, away from the road.
- Arrive at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
- Stand 6 feet (or three giant steps) away from the curb while waiting for the bus.
- Supervise young children.
Around the Bus
- Cross in front of the bus, giving yourself at least 10 feet (or five giant steps). Remember to make eye contact with the driver before crossing. Make eye contact with the driver before crossing.
- Never walk behind the bus.
- If you drop something near the bus, it is essential not to pick it up; tell the bus driver instead.
Getting On/Off the Bus
- Wait until the bus has stopped and the door opens before approaching the bus or standing up on the bus.
- Use the handrail.
- Secure any loose or hanging objects like straps on a backpack or drawstrings on a hood.
Advice for Drivers
Remember to stop far enough back to allow children to enter and exit the school bus safely. Never pass a school bus if it’s stopped to load/unload children.
- Drivers MUST stop for a school bus stopped with its red light flashing and STOP arms extended.
- Be alert for children near buses, bus stops, schools, and in school parking lots.
E-Z Window Cleaning gives a big shoutout to all the school bus drivers. We appreciate you and everything you do, recognizing your safe service for our children and our community!